Get Moving! Poor Blood Circulation Can Slow You Down

3 Apr 2015

So what are the blood’s road and highways? They are collectively known as the circulatory system. Blood represents the vehicles that carry nutrients and oxygen, among other things, to every corner of the body.

The heart is the system’s centre: consider it the city centre or the administrative capital from where blood is pumped to the whole body.

Now that we've gone through roadway analogy, what are the consequences if the blood’s passage is force to a crawl? One result is impaired blood pressure. If blood flows too slowly, oxygen and nutrients so not get to the far reaches of the body.

Now imagine what happens when blood does not get to the brain quick enough? You cold feel a bit giddy, maybe a bit faint; you may have difficulty paying attention, and possibly have a headache. These few symptoms of poor blood floor to the brain, a consequences of low blood pressure.

If blood flow to the brain remains low for an extended period, your brain could effectively shut off and you could go into a coma, a condition that happens in a specific type of stroke called ischemic stroke.

It is not all doom and gloom; there are ways to keep the blood rolling.

Let Your Blood Flow
  • Staying hydrated. Yes, simply making sure you drink enough water can help keep your blood  flowing. Dehydration causes the blood to thicken and flow slowly. Hydration is especially important in our wonderfully hot and humid weather.
  • Move around. Exercise, stretching or simply getting out of your seat can help move stagnated blood around. It beats staring at the computer for eight hours straight.
  • Eating healthy. Yes, the broken record goes round and round again. Eating the right things can help get the blood going. Garlic has shown good promise in aiding blood flow. Its antioxidant properties are also touted for many other healthful benefits, but some find garlic breath unattractive.  Eating oily fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids has also shown good promise for both heart, health and blood circulation. (the two go hand-in hand).
  • Supplements. Herbals like gingko biloba, lemon balm and hawthorn are increasingly being used for improving blood flow. Traditionally, these have been used extensively with reasonably good effect. Each of these supplements works in unique ways within the blood’s circulation. The scientific community remains undecided about their efficacy, but the evidence has been encouraging. Do talk to your doctor before taking supplements as the may interact with current medications.
Article Source: The Sun

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