Kos Perubatan, Sakit Kritikal, dan Perlindungan Kewangan

29 Dec 2016

Apakah perlindungan kewangan sebenar yang mampu menjamin seseorang individu ketika berlakunya musibah seperti kemalangan, hilang upaya, sakit dan sebagainya. Adakah melalui penggunaan kad kredit wang simpanan atau melindungi diri dengan perlindungan insurans?

Ramai yang mengeluh kemampuan kewangan cukup terbatas, walaupun hanya perlu ketepikan minimum 10% daripada pendapatan setiap bulan untuk membayar polisi perlindungan insurans. Namun rata-rata masih memberi alasan masih tidak mampu.

Masyarakat masa kini perlu menjadi lebih bijak dalam membuat perancangan kewangan demi menjamin masa depan. Ini kerana, musibah boleh berlaku pada bila-bila masa dan di mana sahaja malah boleh memberi impak besar terhadap kehidupan seseorang terutama sekali dari segi kewangan. Jadi perancangan kewangan dalam menyediakan perlidungan tambahan sebagai “Backup Plan” amatlah penting.

Namun masih ada segelintir individu yang masih ragu dan berkira-kira memperuntukkan sejumlah wang untuk dikeluarkan bagi membeli perlindungan insurans demi melindungi diri dikala ditimpa musibah seperti sakit kronik, kemalangan, hilang upaya kekal atau sementara.

Masih ramai di kalangan masyarakat kurang kesedaran mengenai kepentingan insurans dan merasakan mereka masih mampu untuk menampung kos rawatan jika hanya perlu dimasukkan ke hospital sehari atau seminggu. Bagaimana jika anda disahkan mengalami penyakit krtikal atau hilang upaya kekal dan memerlukan rawatan susulan yang sudah pasti memerlukan kos perbelanjaan yang tinggi.  

Pada ketika itu mungkin sukar untuk anda menerima kenyataan akibat bersedih malah sama sekali tidak menyangka anda akan berdepan dengan penyakit kritikal atau hilang upaya kekal. Namun apa yang lebih membingungkan, bagaimana dengan kos rawatan? Sudah semestinya kos rawatan amat tinggi. Adakah pada waktu itu duit simpanan anda cukup untuk menampung jumlah kos rawatan dan harian sehingga anda benar-benar pulih.

Apakah perlindungan kewangan sebenar yang mampu menjamin anda ketika situasi sedemikian berlaku? Adakah melalui wang simpanan, kad kredit atau perlindungan insurans? Sekiranya anda memilih untuk menggunakan wang simpanan. Ia boleh diibaratkan umpama gunung jika ditarah lambat-laun akan rata jua. Begitu juga dengan wang simpanan, lama-kelamaan akan habis jika hanya digunakan tanpa menggantikannya.

Malah jika anda menjadikan kad kredit sebagai sumber kedua itu juga akhirnya akan membebankan anda dengan hutang dikala anda sendiri tidak tahu bila masanya anda akan mampu melangsaikan segala hutang.

Ramai yang masih mengeluh kerana setiap bulan semua duit gaji habis untuk membayar komitmen. Kemampuan kewangan yang dikatakan cukup terbatas walaupun hanya perlu ketepikan 10% daripada pendapatan setiap bulan untuk membayar polisi insurans. Namun rata-rata individu masih tidak nampak akan kepentingan dan manfaat perlindungan insurans buat diri sendiri dan keluaga untuk jangka masa panjang dan di waktu yang tak diduga.

Anda mempunyai banyak pilihan untuk memilih apa jenis insurans konvensional mahupun takaful yang mampu memenuhi bajet dan keperluan anda. Insurans hayat, insurans perubatan, insurans bertempoh, insurans kemalangan peribadi dan insurans perjalanan. Kesemua jenis insurans ini adalah sebagai perlindungan tambahan kepada anda dan insan tersayang sekiranya berlaku sesautu musibah yang menngakibatkan kematian mahupun hilang upaya kekal.

Walau bagaimanapun, kepada sesiapa yang berkeinginan, berminat dan merancang untuk membeli insurans perubatan, hayat, perjalanan dan kemalangan, yang kini semakin meluas melalui agen ataupun secara atas talian. Anda perlulah lebih berhati-hati dengan menyelidik dan memahami setiap kandungan dan faedah yang ditawarkan oleh setiap polisi insurans yang terdapat di pasaran. Demi mengelakkan anda daripada ditipu dan akhirnya mengakibatkan kerugian.

Apapun segalanya terpulang pada diri anda untuk merancang sebaiknya dalam memberi perlindungan tambahan terbaik buat diri dan keluarga. Perancangan kewangan yang bijak akan memberikan manfaat kelak kepada diri anda sendiri. Kita tidak akan nampak masa kita dalam keadaan sihat namun apabila ditimpa musibah kelak kemudian kita akan menikmati manfaatnya.

Kesimpulannya berbalik kepada kesedaran masing-masing dalam merencana dan membuat persiapan masa depan. Ini kerana semakin hari kehidupan semakin sukar kerana perlu menanggung pelbagai kos kehidupan seharian yang saban hari meningkat. Tepuk dada tanya selera. Pilihan sudah tersedia hanya tinggal anda memilih mana satu yang terbaik. Lindungi diri anda dan keluarga di easicircle

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5 Simple Habits That Help to Financial Freedom

19 Dec 2016

Earn More, Spend Less

There so much way to earn more money by doing side income. You are the one who going to put effort to do so. Look for ways and find opportunity to increase your salary and side income. Wait before you buy and spend only on what is important.

Invest Now

Invest when you are young and still healthy. You have an entire life ahead of you. Delay investing and you could lose out in retirement money. Getting started early gets you in the habit of putting yourself and your financial future first.

I Love Job

Loving your job may not be easy for you but when you love doing what you are doing. Indirectly you can develop skill and over the time, you become good at what you’re doing. Do more than is expected to excel at work. Ask for raise based on your proven accomplishments.

Budget and Manage Your Cash

Pay yourself first. Automate your saving and investing so that it’s taken out of your account before you can spend it. By building up savings, one can handle unanticipated expenses without going into debt and putting oneself in a difficult situation.

Pay Off Your Credit Card

Credit card debts are almost always unnecessary. If you can’t pay for your purchase in the month you buy, don’t get it. The solution is spending only 10% of the credit limit. Let say, if your credit limit is RM5000, don’t spend more than RM500. Credit card debt can increase money stress.
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4 Foods Can Make Your Brain Sharp

9 Dec 2016


Salmon is rich in high quality protein, minerals and vitamins but the real reason it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids, meaning you can hit your quota of eating fish twice per week without getting bored of eating the same thing. Salmon is one of the most nutritious, brain foods that Omega-3 fatty acids which act as anti-inflammatory agent and help keep your brain improvement.


Vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage also may help to improve memory. Broccoli also contains high levels of vitamin K and choline that will help to keep your memory sharp. Apart from that, with just 1/2 cup per day or two 2-cup servings per week has been shown to be enough to get some cancer prevention benefits.


Did you know that by adding some vitamin-rich berries to your diet may not be a bad idea if you want to improve your memory? Blueberries is one of the highest antioxidant-rich foods which include vitamin C and vitamin K. Studies show that blueberries boost concentration and memory for up to five hours because the antioxidants in blueberries stimulate the flow of blood and oxygen to your brain and keep the mind fresh.


Walnuts are not just good for the brain but it also help to sustain a healthy heart and all parts of the body. Just munching on a few walnuts a day can improve your cognitive health. It may help to boost concentration and information processing and also develop performance on cognitive function tests, including those for memory and concentration.

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Minum Air Sesudah Bangun Tidur Bantu Menurunkan Berat Badan

30 Nov 2016

Air sangat penting untuk kesehatan tubuh karena sekitar 70 % berat badan kita adalah air. Air sangat penting dalam hal menyembuhkan masalah kesehatan. Meminum air putih yang baik dan menyehatkan adalah 8 gelas setiap harinya. Namun kuantitinya berbeda mengikut berat badan seseorang.

Air juga penting dalam membina sel dan cairan tubuh. Komponen utama sel adalah air, sebesar 70-85%. Sedangkan  dalam sel lemak, kurang dari 10%. Maka dengan memulai hari Anda dengan minum segelas air putih bisa melancarkan metabolism tubuh dan membakart kalori.

Hal ini dikarenakan, air hangat mampu meningkatkan suhu tubuh sehingga tubuh Anda akan membakar lebih kalori. Malahan apabila Anda minum air putih, selera makan Anda juga akan turut berkurang dan hal ini boleh membantu Anda untuk menurunkan berat badan dan mengawal pengambilan makanan.

Bukan itu sahaja, minum air secara kerap juga boleh menghindar dari terjadinya dehidrasi. Tahukah Anda saat Anda tidur selama 7-8 jam Anda tidak akan makan dan minum. Jadi secara otomatis tubuh badan akan menjadi dehidrasi karena semuanya digunakan untuk tubuh mengisi ulang cairan. Sudah memadai dengan meminum air putih 1-2 gelas sesudah Anda bangun tidur.

Air juga pelindung terbaik tubuh badan yang baik, air membantu membuang racun-racun di dalam tubuh melalui urin dan keringat. Bukan sahaja boleh merangsang pergerakan usus malah melancarkan pencernaan.

Tetapi untuk menurunkan berat badan secara efektif perlu ada kombinasi yang tepat. Tidak hanya minum air sama sekali boleh menurunkan berat badan. Namun pegambilan makanan yang betul dan sehat juga boleh bantu mengurangkan berat badan.

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7 Steps to a Financially-Stable Life

24 Nov 2016

I JUST attended a leadership training event in Seremban: The Global Leadership Summit Malaysia. The two-day conference blended live interaction among participants, compelling creative arts presentations, and curated video sessions of world-class leaders who either spoke or were interviewed at the Global Leadership Summit in Chicago, Illinois in August. In one of those eye-opening sessions, Melinda Gates spoke about the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is giving away the bulk of the combined fortunes of her husband, the world’s richest man, and that of Warren Buffett!

The foundation’s work is driven by one idea — all lives have equal value.

 Today, there are seven million children who might otherwise have died if not for the life-enhancing work of that foundation. You’ll be astonished at what you learn at www.gatesfoundation.org, so please carve out six minutes from your schedule today to visit that site with pen in hand to write notes on which health-improving, poverty-eradicating initiatives inspire YOU.

Thankfully, we don’t need billions or even millions of ringgit to help someone. When I consult with my financial planning and life planning clients who confide about their deep-seated philanthropic leanings, we chart plans that allow them to give sensible sums intentionally, regularly and strategically to improve the lot of many others across our tiny, interdependent planet!

In most people — but sadly not in all — there is a soft centre that resonates with the plight of the needy and that yearns to help them regardless of race, region or religion; colour, caste or creed.

Tragically, there are many more people who would love to give to charities out of love and a mind of concern, but can’t do so yet because they don’t even have enough for their own families.

The escalating cost of living in Malaysia is frustrating and even angering many breadwinners. These people need solutions to their money woes so they can migrate from a scarcity mentality (and reality!) to one of super-abundance.

Let’s face it, we can’t help the poor effectively if we don’t generate surpluses consistently.

In George S. Clason’s book The Richest Man in Babylon, there is a chapter entitled Seven Cures for a Lean Purse. Every personal library should have not one, but two copies of Clason’s classic, written in elegant old English: One copy to be read and reread by family and the other lent to friends.

These are Clason’s Seven Cures:

START thy purse to fattening;
CONTROL thy expenditures;
MAKE thy gold multiply;
GUARD thy treasures from loss;
MAKE of thy dwelling a profitable investment;
INSURE a future income; and,
INCREASE thy ability to earn.

If you’re inclined to purchase your own copy, but suspect it might take you time to track one down, here are my thoughts on Clason’s “cures”...

We fatten our wallets and bank accounts by establishing and heeding a budget that allows us to spend less than we earn — Cures 1 and 2.

We grow our wealth prudently and effectively by saving and investing based on professional advice and by avoiding (like the plague!) get-rich-quick schemes that promise astronomical returns. You see, the only ones who consistently grow rich from such scams are the scoundrels who initiate them — Cures 3 and 4.

We should aim to buy our own homes and to eventually pay off our mortgages. We should also transfer most of the inherent economic risks of living to reputable insurers through cost-effective life and general insurance policies — Cures 5 and 6.

Lastly, we must recognise that our minds and our bodies are our most valuable assets. Therefore, it is smart for us to care for both by investing in career-enhancing and body-strengthening initiatives — Cure 7. If we do all this well, we will boost our innate capacity to help ourselves, our loved ones, and deserving strangers in profound need.

Article Source : NST

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Dengar Muzik Bantu Rangsang Otak Sihat

18 Nov 2016

Individu yang tidak gemarkan muzik didapati boleh mengurangkan rangsangan fungsi otak mereka untuk berhubung.

Berdasarkan ujian imbasan otak FMRI yang dilakukan penyelidik, mereka mendapati otak individu yang langsung tidak boleh menerima muzik mempunyai tekanan darah yang lebih rendah.

Keadaan itu berlaku kerana hasil daripada aktiviti otak yang kurang di sebahagian kawasn tertentu sekali gus menyebabkan aliran darah menjadi lebih rendah.

Kajian tersebut yang dilaporkan oleh agensi berita Ars Technica, England mendapati, otak individu yang mendengar muzik didapati lebih aktif serta dapat memberikan respon lebih positif dalam berfikir.

Interaksi dan tindak balas otak individu yang mendengar muzik terutama bernada rendah juga lebih kreatif dan sihat.

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4 Manfaat Coklat Hitam

8 Nov 2016

Menurut penelitian medis terbaru, coklat hitam benar-benar dapat memberikan berbagai manfaat kesehatan kepada manusia. Coklat hitam, biasanya terbuat dari 60% dari biji tanaman kakao memiliki warna yang lebih tua atau gelap. Sering dijadikan kudapan, coklat hitam juga ternyata banyak manfaat.

Untuk jantung yang sehat

Coklat hitam mengandung Magnesium, vitamin E dan tembaga, yang memiliki manfaat  untuk mencegah penyakit jantung serta baik untuk kesehatan jantung. Seorang peneliti dengan John Hopkins pada University School of Medicine. Dalam penelitian, coklat hitam dapat mengurangi resiko serangan jantung hampir sekitar 50%. Mengkonsumsi coklat hitam setiap hari dengan porsi yang cukup dapat mengurangi kadar kolestrol hingga 10 persen.

Kaya Antioksidan

Coklat hitam merupakan antioksidan kuat. Kandungan antioksidan dapat menyaingi yang dimiliki teh hijau dan blueberry. Coklat hitam memiliki kandungan senyawa organik yang secara biologis berfungsi sebagai antioksidan alami seperti polifenol, flavanol, dan catechin. Laporan dari National Institute of Food & Nutrition Research di Italia menunjukkan bahwa antioksidan ini benar-benar mengurangi radikal bebas dan molekul berbahaya lainnya yang mungkin berpotensi membahayakan kesehatan.

Melindungi kulit

Flavonoids, bahan aktif di dalam coklat berupaya mengukuhkan pertahanan kulit menentang beberapa kerosakan kulit termasuk melindungi kulit dari paparan sinaran UV seperti sunburn. Flavonoids, bahan aktif Pengambilan jangka panjang coklat dapat memperbaiki kondisi kulit terutama bagi kaum wanita.

Menghilangkan Stress

Coklat hitam juga memiliki manfaat dalam meringankan depresi. Beberapa kandungan coklat seperti caffeine, theobromine, methyl-xanthine dan phenylethylalanine dipercaya dapat memperbaiki mood. Coklat hitam juga mengandungi serotonin kimia, yang bertindak sebagai antidepresi. 

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Financially Sound Upon Retirement

1 Nov 2016

Most Malaysians are not well-prepared for retirement, with 2.8 million people only, or 38 per cent of active Employees Provident Fund (EPF) members, having met the basic savings amount of RM196,800.

This was stated in the EPF Annual Report last year.

This year, the latest survey found that only 958,100 out of 13 million contributors, or 7.37 per cent, have more than RM150,000 by age 55. Shockingly, 90 per cent of rural households and 86 per cent of those in urban areas have zero savings.

Syariah financial planner Dr Niki Shuhada Shukor said this was a worrisome trend as retirees would be unable to sustain their lives after they stopped working.

Niki, a consultant with more than 20 years experience, said retirees had to accumulate a lot of savings to ensure a strong principal sum so they could reap good dividends and bonuses.

She said the savings and asset gathering phase fell within the accumulation period, which was prior to retirement.

 After that is the consumption period, which will deplete the savings.

“People need to estimate their monthly expenses based on the expected salary before retirement.

“They also have to prepare for major life events that need huge expenses, like the time when their children pursue tertiary studies or get married. “They have to start saving early in their work life so they will not have to pay so much a month.

“Only by doing this that they will have a lifetime stream of income to support their living based on the compounding interest.”

Niki said those new to financial planning could start off with buying insurance, takaful and unit trust, or join a private retirement scheme because the younger they were, the smaller the amount they would need to pay. She said to select a savings plan for retirement, the expected returns per annum needed to be bigger than the inflation rate.

“Some retirement and insurance products can offer rates that are higher than inflation, thus individuals can seek certified planners for advice, attend seminars or do their own reading to get more information.”

Niki said Malaysians should not depend on EPF alone, and must look for other products like private retirement schemes or invest in Amanah Saham Bumiputera. According to her, 50 per cent of a person’s monthly income should be allocated for expanding wealth (savings, asset accumulation) and protection (insurance).

“The retirees need to ensure that they have peace of mind after retirement. They have to cover all expenses that enable them to enjoy a lifestyle they have before. They also have to settle their outstanding loans. “Apart from planning for their medical needs, they need to provide for social engagements like going out with friends, eating out and leisure activities like travelling  and golfing.”

She said there was a growing trend among retirees to use their savings to travel the world too often, thus finishing their money very quickly without managing it well. Therefore, she said, even those who were old, and had decided to stop working and enjoy life, must be made aware of financial planning to optimise their nest eggs.

Wealth management consultant Rohani Mohd Shahir said the increasing life expectancy and high lifestyle preferences required individuals to have reliable strategies in managing finances.

Rohani said having dependencies, including children and parents, might result in a setback to one’s savings when family emergencies occur. However, for Muslims, it was an obligation for children to take care of their aged parents.

“In the event their children are unable to support them financially, they may have to find other sources of income like doing business, providing services or disposing their assets.” 

She suggested the concept  of  allocating 20 per cent of the monthly income to meet retirement goals. From the 20 per cent allocation, an individual should  allocate 10 per cent for protection, five per cent for savings and another five per cent for unit trust.

She said people could diversify their income by choosing different categories of  unit trusts and other investment instruments. Besides that, in order to ensure financial discipline, deductions should be made through auto debit so that the monthly allocations would not be missed.

“The less money one has in his account, the lesser the amount that he is going to spend on.”

She said lifestyle changes were required as one aged and children needed to be taught how to be prudent at a young age. For married couples, Rohani said they could set up a joint-account for emergencies.

“An individual needs to have at least six months’ salary for emergency money. For families who often eat out, try  to cut down to once or twice a month. Home-cooked food is easier on the pocket and the money saved can be used for other things.”

For medical needs, insurance could help retirees cover their treatments and avoid them from becoming a liability to their caretakers. The insurance protection will cover hospitalisation, critical illnesses, permanent disability, and death, among others.

She said EPF had established Retirement Advisory Services (RAS) Centres to help people plan for their retirement needs. RAS was meant to help EPF contributors achieve a sustainable retirement plan, including those who were going to retire or those who had just retired.

RAS also conducts awareness and education programmes on basic financial and retirement planning. The service is available at the centres in Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Johor Baru, Penang, Kota Kinabalu, Ipoh and Kuantan.

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5 Cara Mudah Untuk Kekal Muda

14 Oct 2016

Aktiviti seharian yang padat dan waktu kerja yang tidak menentu sememangnya amat meletihkan. Lebih-lebih lagi bagi warga kota yang tinggal di bandar-bandar besar tentu menghadapi lebih tekanan terutamanya di waktu pagi dan petang disebabkan kesesakan jalan raya. Sudah pasti rutin seharian sebegini amat memenatkan hingga setiap dari kita mengabaikan kesihatan dan mengamalkan gaya hidup sihat.

Adakah anda tahu bahawa tekanan demi tekanan serta rutin harian yang terlalu sibuk boleh mengakibatkan anda kelihatan lebih tua daripada usia. Namun anda tidak perlu bimbang kerana ada cara yang mudah untuk anda semua pratikkan secara konsisten. Mari kita singkap bersama!

Tidur Yang Cukup
Aktiviti seharian yang sibuk kadang-kala mengakibatkan seseorang individu mengabaikan waktu tidur mereka. Mungkin ramai yang tidak tahu mempunyai waktu tidur yang konsisten setiap hari dapat menjana semula tenaga yang hilang akibat keletihan seharian bekerja. Maka penting untuk seseorang mendapatkan tidur yang cukup dan berkualiti sekurang-kurangnya 7-8 jam sehari. Ini kerana badan manusia akan berehat sepenuhnya ketika mereka tidur.

Minum Air Kosong
Air kosong adalah cara termudah dan termurah untuk kekal awet muda. Di mana anda perlu tahu sekitar 80% tubuh manusia terdiri daripada air. Apa guna menggunakan produk kecantikan yang mahal untuk penjagaan wajah namun kurang minum air yang anda sedia maklum mempunyai banyak kelebihan semulajadi. Minum sebanyak mana air putih yang anda mampu. Elakkan alasan malas nak buang air kecil banyak kali  dan sebagainya. Tiada alasan jika kita mampu mendisplinkan diri sendiri.

Hindari Tekanan
Hanya orang gila sahaja tidak tertekan! Itu ungkapan yang sering didengari namun anda silap kerana tekanan jugalah mampu mengakibatkan seseorang itu hilang kewarasan. Tahukan anda tekanan mampu menjadikan seseorang itu kelihatan lebih tua sebelum usia. Walaupun tekanan dan manusia  tidak dapat dipisahkan. Namun pokok pangkalnya, anda sendiri mampu mengawal setiap tekanan yang mendatang. Apa yang penting adalah anda tahu bagaimana untuk mencari jalan penyelesaian untuk menanganinya.

Nampak mudah bukan? Hanya perlu senyum untuk kelihatan lebih muda. Semasa seseorang itu senyum, 16 otot muka digerakkan untuk senyuman berbanding 43 otot digunakan apabila seseorang itu tengah marah atau bermasam muka. Senyum itu bukan sahaja sedekah, mudah malah percuma. Sebuah senyuman juga dapat mengubah keadaan emosi anda menjadi lebih ceria dan positif. Jadi jangan lupa untuk lengkapkan hari anda dengan senyuman.

Senaman adalah aktiviti paling sukar dan paling malas untuk dilakukan secara konsisten oleh kebanyakan individu. Senaman juga bukan hanya tertumpu pada ‘jogging’ atau pergi ke gym semata. Namun sebagai permulaan anda hanya perlu melakukan aktiviti fizikal seperti berjalan, mengemas rumah, menaiki tangga dan sebagainya. Sudah memadai jika anda meluangkan masa 3 kali seminggu, tetapi bukan sekadar hangat-hangat tahi ayam sahaja.

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4 Best Home Remedies for Bladder Infections

7 Oct 2016

A bladder infection, also known as a urinary tract infection (UTI), can occur when bacteria grow uncontrollably inside the bladder. This type of infection can affect anyone, but it most often occurs in women.
Drink More Water

This may not sound like the most extraordinary remedy, but it is one of the most important things you can do when you have a UTI. It can help flush out bacteria, and (almost) more importantly, it gives you something to actually push out when you pee! 

Cranberry Juice

Cranberry has been a natural treatment for bladder infections for generations. According to recent research, cranberry juice and cranberry tablets have shown some promise as a remedy for women who frequently experience bladder infections. However, it’s not entirely clear whether cranberry juice really works for treating bladder infections in the larger population.


Barley water is hence the best medicine when you have a Urinary Tract Infection. Boil a table spoon of barley seeds in a liter of water. Bring down the quantity to half and keep consuming barley water throughout the day.

Frequent urination

Frequent urination helps eliminate the infection by moving bacteria out of the bladder. “Holding it,” or not going to the bathroom when you need to, allows bacteria to continue multiplying inside in the bladder. It’s especially important to urinate after having sex.

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4 Cara Alami Menurunkan Kolestrol

26 Sept 2016

Sebenarnya, kolesterol sendiri diperlukan oleh tubuh untuk membangun dinding sel, dan juga berperan dalam pembuatan hormon. Akan tetapi, kalau kadar kolesterol yang melebihi batas normal dapat mengakibatkan berbagai macam penyakit kronis dan menyebabkan pembuluh darah tersumbat. Jadi untuk menjaga hidup yang lebih sihat, kolestrol bisa dikontrol dengan mengkonsumsi beberapa makanan yang mampu menurunkan kolestrol.


Mengonsumsi alpukat justru akan membantu menurunkan kolestrol jahat (LDL) yang sangat buruk bagi kesehatan. Kandungan dalam alpukat tersebut bisa menurunkan kolesterol jahat dalam tubuh. Alpukat juga merupakan sumber potasium yang baik, vitamin K, vitamin C, serat makanan, vitamin B6 dan folat. Penyajiannya bisa dengan cara membuat jus atau yang lain sesuai dengan selera Anda.


Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh National Academy of Sciences (AS) membuktikan bahawa jus delima boleh meningkatkan produksi oksida nitrat dengan mengurangi timbunan plak pada arteri.


Tomat yang sudah dimasak adalah sumber terbaik berbanding tomat yang masih mentah. Kualitas likopen pada tomat yang sudah dimasak mampu menurunkan penumpukan kolestrol jahat yang ada di dalam darah. Tubuh dapat menyerap lebih banyak likopen dari tomat masak daripada tomat yang belum di masak.

Minyak Zaitun

Minyak zaitun dapat membantu menurunkan kadar kolesterol karena nutrisi yang kaya lemak tak jenuh dan antioksidan yang dapat membantu menurunkan kolesterol jahat (LDL) dan meningkatkan kolesterol baik (HDL). Selain itu, kandungan lain seperti squalene yang sangat bermanfaat meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh.

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Travel Smart...Include Travel Insurance

19 Sept 2016

Nearly all of us travel on a regular basis. Be it for work or pleasure, Malaysians are a well-travelled lot. Compared to Americans for example, where only about 10 per cent of the population possess a passport, Malaysians generally travel far and wide.

But do we travel smart?

Of late, newspapers carried stories of Malaysians admitted to hospitals abroad. These were not people who lived or worked abroad, but regular tourists from Malaysia.

Take the story of the Mara employee who suffered a stroke upon landing at Heathrow. Or the Universiti Utara Malaysia student whose appendix ruptured while attending a forum in Seoul, South Koera. These are the more recent stories.

In the last four years alone, there have been countless others — the businessman who stepped off the plane and went into cardiac arrest, the student who had just arrived in the United Kingdom and had to be sent home for depression and anxiety and the tourist who had an aneurysm while vacationing in the Gold Coast.

As more and more Malaysians take to the skies, the statistics of Malaysians hospitalised abroad will increase. Sometimes, Malaysian travellers take things for granted.

Healthcare, which for a while was the battleground between United States Barack Obama’s White House and the Republican Congress, is one area where Malaysians rarely fret over.

In Malaysia, foreigners pay RM2 to get treated at government hospitals.

 In the US where healthcare is big business, I had had the dubious pleasure of forking out US$245 (RM983) for a container of medicine that was prescribed to me by my embassy doctor. I remember the pitying looks of the pharmacist as he tried to help me save my dollars. Did I have any kind of insurance, he asked. Did I enter into any co-pay arrangement with any of the health providers?

Then came the sympathy part. The pharmacist wanted to give me a generic medication so that I would not have to pay more. That would have been ideal, but there was no generic alternative for the medication that I needed.

So I can well empathise with Malaysian tourists who fall sick and then find out the cost of the treatment is higher than their airfare home.

There was that incident at Heathrow in 2014 when a Malaysian collapsed while in the immigration queue and she spent the next month in intensive care.

In addition to the hospital bill, her family had to pay for accommodation in London, an extra person to care for her in the hospital, and the cost of the accompanying medical personnel on board when she could finally return home. The bill? A whopping RM1.2 million.

However, we need not be gamblers in this game of risk. Every time we buy a flight ticket, there is an option to purchase insurance. Most of us ignore that part because let’s face it — what are the chances of getting sick while on holiday? Amazingly high, it seems.

The stress of organising a holiday, coupled with being in an enclosed plane for hours and the recycled germs of the people on that same plane put travellers at a higher risk of falling ill than people who do not travel.

A Tilburg University study in 2007 termed this as “leisure sickness” and found that even normally healthy people increase exponentially their risk of becoming ill during their leisure time.

 It makes sense, therefore, that for those who are about to travel, they need to protect themselves not only against the possibility of falling ill, but also to ensure financial recourse in the event that the unexpected happens.

First, identify what kind of risks you might face. Even a seemingly healthy person can fall ill during their travels, much less a person who already has a medical condition or will be travelling to somewhere “exotic”.
 The more exotic the place, the higher the risk because your body may not be able to adjust accordingly.

Our immune system may not be immune to certain bacteria in the drinking water of a foreign country, for example. Or the heat may be too much for us to take. Or our body may not be able to warm itself quickly enough in ice-cold temperatures.

Second, identify what coverage you need. There are those among us who happily take out a “travel insurance” when they get on a flight. Read the fine print. The coverage may only extend to lost luggage (not even delayed luggage), cancelled flights or lost credit cards. It may not cover illnesses during the journey.

Third, confirm what coverage you already have. Some life insurance plans include up to a month of travel, but most only provide coverage in Malaysia. There may then be a need to take additional protection.

Whatever a person’s lifestyle, there is always that added risk when travelling. Malaysia’s embassies can only do so much to assist the ailing traveller. In the end, it is the high cost of treatments and surgeries that will be the crippling factor.

It is good that many Malaysians travel to even the remotest of places. Now, that we have started exploring, it is time for us to also travel smart. Dr Shazelina Zainul Abidin is a foreign service officer and a research fellow of the University of Sheffield. She writes about diplomacy and world affairs.

Get your protection now! Golden Sunshine

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4 Bad Habits Before Going to Bed

9 Sept 2016

Eating a Late Night Meal

Some peoples love to eat supper before sleep or having late dinner. Usually after have a big meal then go straight to bed. Eating too much food such as spicy or fatty foods and caffeine one or three hours before sleep can reduce the quality of sleep. Generally making you fatigued, inactive and not fun to be around the next day.

Don’t consume caffeine

Caffeine helps you stay awake, Even if you drink a latte six hours before you tuck in, caffeine can impact your slumber for up to 12 hours. To sleep more soundly, avoid caffeinated foods and beverages after the a.m. hours are over and try soothing chamomile or lemon balm tea in the afternoon or evening instead.
Working in bed
Using a computer before bed can disrupt sleep. The light given off by your laptop can also prevent your brain from releasing melatonin, and working in bed likely means you’re not giving yourself enough time to unwind before sleep.
Workout before sleep
Some people do have trouble falling asleep after exercise. That’s because the adrenaline is flowing and your heart rate is up. The brain is very active after a workout, and your body temperature is up, which can make it tough to fall asleep.
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