Most of people in community has lack of awareness towards the importance of insurance protections. Their common perception to think that insurance is not important and just a burden to their current commitment. So, why should increase monthly commitment when employer already provided basic insurance protection to every employees? Why should worry?
If that is kind of perception, they might not have think of long term impact could happened someday. Just like they never thought of the risks could effect to daily routine when something happened. Maybe today is another ordinary day, but we never knew what would happened tomorrow.
It is hard to predict what will happen, we could not foresee when will road accident, illness or disableness would impact ourselves or our family members.
A quote saying, save for a rainy day. Therefore, every individual need to make early preparation or "Back Up Plan" to face unpredicted critical moment. Are we realised that we are facing accident risks in our journey to work and home?
As reported by the Utusan Malaysia, there is about 20,225 case road accident in on and off duty traffic happened from January till September 2013. Motorist has tooks 85% of recorded accident, and most of them were under 40-year-old.
If the accident risks from on and off duty is increasing, while motorist became majority victims of the incident, are they have any life and accident insurance protection in person?
Yes, they were protected by the insurance from employer but is it sufficient to support cost of living when someone became disable which caused by accident, and still have four children still studying in school, monthly commitment and medical treatment costs? The loss of income could be main burden to continue daily life.
In such a desperate and critical situation, perception of insurance is not important will indirectly changed to how important of basic insurance coverage. At least, it could help decrease suffer in paying medical cost after accident. Do not only depend on employment insurance, personal saving, EPF and pension fund from Perkeso.
That's why every individual should have awareness to find alternative way by preparing their long term financial protection for critical moment, because of that it is important to give protection to oneself and loved ones through insurance. In fact, prepare for the worst and don't regret after something bad happened. This is because, prevention is better than cure.
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