Why Artificial Sweeteners Are Bad For You?

30 Oct 2015

Trying to keep your weight down and trying to be healthy can be totally different things. Usually you choose to start a diet program by reducing consumption of sugary drinks and will replace it with sugar-free drinks or artificial sweeteners.

Cut out sugar intake is one of the best way to get start your diet mission. As you know, artificial sweeteners is said to be sugar-free and can be good choice to replace your sugar intake. The question is, is it really safe?

Side Effects of Sweeteners

Studies show that sweeteners have been packed contains side effects that can harm human health. In 2008, researchers at Purdue University reported a study conducted on mice found that some content saccharin of the artificial sweetener can alter the taste of food animals.

Associate Professor of the Science of Psychology at the Institute of Inges treatment, Purdue University, USA, Susan Withers said experimental rats eating yogurt containing the artificial sweetener being fat and appetite increases dramatically.

"It should be divulged here that the consumption of food or beverages containing artificial sweeteners capable of changing the natural systems of the human body.
"That is, it can alter hormone levels taste of human nature that should feel full before the natural hormones act alone.

"We often will stop eating before our bodies absorb all the calories contained in the food we eat. One reason for us to stop eating is because of a natural instinct coupled with the lessons learned from past experience. For example, "After I eat this food, I will feel full for a long period of time," told Withers.

Metabolic Confusion

One of the reasons why artificial sweeteners do not help you lose weight relates to the fact that your body is not fooled by sweet taste without accompanying calories.

When you eat something sweet, your brain releases dopamine, which activates your brain's reward center. The appetite-regulating hormone leptin is also released, which eventually informs your brain that you are "full" once a certain amount of calories have been ingested.

However, when you consume something that tastes sweet but doesn't contain any calories, your brain's pleasure pathway still gets activated by the sweet taste, but there's nothing to deactivate it, since the calories never arrive.

Artificial sweeteners basically trick your body into thinking that it's going to receive sugar (calories), but when the sugar doesn't come, your body continues to signal that it needs more, which results in carb cravings.

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