Train Yourself to Be More Positive in 5 Ways

31 Mar 2017
Way, positive, struggle, motivation, never regret

Everything is Possible
Life is struggle. Stop quitting your dream. No excuses. The reasons people never achieve their dream because they simply give up. Be strong enough to try and try again until you get what you want. Everything is possible, your dream, your ideas, your vision. Never let anyone tell you can’t!

No Excuses
If you never try or try and give up quickly, you will have regret down the road. What exactly necessary is you need to take time to explore what you believe holds importance in life. Stay positive and keep going.

Stay Strong
Believe yourself because you are stronger than you think. Never let other people underestimate your capability towards something you want to achieve. Failure is not enough to stop you from achieving your goals. Better to try and fail than never to try at all.

Stop Feeling Stuck
Feel stuck and regret it just like the burden should be borne. You will feel bad or regret later, if you don’t put an effort on something you really want. Get up and never give up trying to build the world you can see, if others can’t see it. This is because you must try different things before you learn what works.

Learning Process
Failure is the best teacher leads you to success. What lessons were learning from the failure? You make mistakes and you recover from them and you treat them as valuable learning experiences.

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Tujuh Langkah Meraih Kemerdekaan Finansial

23 Mar 2017

Identifikasi Aset

Langkah ini penting dilakukan untuk mengetahui mana aset yang produktif dan yang kurang produktif. Aset produktif, seperti rumah yang bisa disewakan, tentu bisa menjadi pasive income. Sedang aset yang kurang produktif perlu Anda pikirkan solusinya, agar bisa ditingkatkan menjadi produktif ataukah justru lebih efisien jika dijual.
Melunasi Utang

Jika Anda memiliki utang konsumtif seperti utang kartu kredit, maka langkah utama sebelum ke langkah selanjutnya adalah melunasi utang terlebih dahulu. Ingat bunga kartu kredit sangat tinggi dan jangan sampai Anda hanya mampu membayar sebatas cicilan minimum. Gunakan kartu kredit sebagai alat pembayaran dan mampu Anda bayar lunas saat tagihan datang di bulan berikutnya. Jangan sekali-kali Anda berpikir bahwa kartu kredit adalah tambahan dana tunai. Risikonya Anda bisa terjebak dalam jeratan tagihan.
Antisipasi Risiko

Sebelum berinvestasi, harap diingat bahwa seluruh hasil investasi bisa sia-sia jika Anda tidak punya proteksi berupa asuransi baik jiwa maupun kesehatan. Utamanya adalah pihak dengan tanggungjawab keuangan besar, bisa suami atau istri atau keduanya jika sama-sama bekerja.
Siapkan Dana Darurat 
Dana darurat adalah dana yang disiapkan untuk hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan atau bila ada kebutuhan mendesak yang harus dipenuhi. Berapakah besaran dana darurat dan sebaiknya disimpan di manakah dana darurat tersebut?
Dana darurat minimal adalah 3 kali pengeluaran bulanan. Penempatan dana bisa pada tabungan sebesar 1 kali pengeluaran dan deposito sebesar 2 kali pengeluaran bulanan.
Tetapkan Tujuan 
Kemerdekaan finansial akan bisa Anda raih dan rasakan saat semua tujuan keuangan Anda tercapai. Tujuan-tujuan keuangan seperti dana pendidikan, dana pensiun, membeli rumah harus dijabarkan lebih lanjut dan mendetail, misalnya berapa keperluan dananya dan kapan harus terkumpul.
Caranya adalah menghitung berapa lama waktu yang tersedia untuk pengumpulan dana, berapa yang harus disisihkan setiap bula. Lantas, sebaiknya ditempatkan pada produk investasi apa agar hasilnya bisa memenuhi target.

Langkah ketujuh inilah yang menjadi penentu Anda dalam meraih kemerdekaan finansial. Aksi Anda berinvestasi secara tepat akan menentukan berapa lama waktu yang Anda butuhkan hingga sampai di titik kemerdekaan finansial.
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The Top 5 Anti-Aging Foods

17 Mar 2017
Green Tea

Everyday routine can’t even avoid you from expose to sunlight. Too much time out in the sun is one of the factors that cause of aging. In order to keep your skin as young as possible, your cells need to replace correctly. So green tea has lots of antioxidant power to defend against aging. It’s rich in beneficial acids which act as antioxidants.
You may not like to include your meal with avocados but the fact is it very rich in glutathione. Avocados can also be used to flushing toxins from your system, relieve dry, acne and wrinkles. This amazing fruit really have a lot of good for you and especially for your skin as an agent against aging.
If you’re always craving for something sweet, the best way you can do is to replace honey for other types of sugar. Basically, honey has anti-aging, anti acne and skin repairing benefits. Just a simple homemade honey mask every twice a week it can moisturize your skin and effective on wrinkles.
Tomatoes there are juicy, and delicious. They have vitamin C, which Vitamin C is good for wound repair, for any type of tissue maintenance, and that applies to your skin. Lycopene in tomatoes are widely known for their significant antioxidant content as antioxidants properties and bone health.
Every 100g of plain yogurt includes 1mg of zinc which helps to regulate oil production in the sebaceous glands then preventing oily skin and frequent acne breakouts. In addition, yogurt contains many powerful nutrients that help to rejuvenating and promoting healthy skin. The consumption of yogurt also helps to reduce skin wrinkling as well.
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Brokoli Bisa Mencegah Risiko Kanker

10 Mar 2017

Brokoli sejenis sayuran yang bukan semua orang menyukainya. Namun khasiat yang terkandung dalam brokoli boleh menjadikan brokoli salah satu makanan super yang sangat bermanfaat. 

Mencegah Kanker

The American Cancer Society merekomendasikan makan brokoli dan sayuran cruciferous lainnya karena mengandungi fitokimia anti-kanker. Selain itu, brokoli juga mengandung indole-3 carbinol, sebuah senyawa antioksidan dan anti-karsinogen yang hebat dalam menahan pertumbuhan kanker payudara, kanker serviks, serta dapat meningkatkan fungsi hati.

Menjaga Sistem Saraf

Kandungan kalium dan magnesium yang tinggi dalam brokoli amat membantu menjaga kesehatan sistem saraf. Malah juga membantu menjaga fungsi otak agar tetap optimal dan bisa mendorong perkembangan otot.

Membantu Pencernaan

Sifat brokoli yang kaya dengan serat dapat membantu sistem pencernaan dan juga membantu mencegah sembelit atau konstipasi.

Meningkatkan Sistem Kekebalan Tubuh

Brokoli adalah sumber yang kaya dengan Vitamin C dan antioksidan yang tinggi yang diperlukan untuk melawan radikal bebas. Di mana, kedua-duanya penting untuk meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh dalam melawan infeksi, virus dan meringankan ketidaknyamanan dari flu menyerang.

Mengurangi Resiko Penyakit Jantung

Karetenoid lutein yang terkandung dalam brokoli dapat mencegah penebalan arteri jantung dalam tubuh manusia,sehingga boleh menjauhkan individu dari resiko penyakit jantung dan stroke.

Meningkatkan Kesehatan Kulit

Brokoli mempunyai khasiat dalam membantu menjaga kesehatan kulit. Mengandungi kombinasi vitamin C, Vitamin E, beta-karoten dan vitamin B yang dapat memperbaiki kerusakan kulit dan membantu perkembangan regenarasi jaringan kulit yang telah mati.

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How to Become Financially Robust?

2 Mar 2017

WHAT does it mean to be financially robust? Robustness means that you are able to withstand severe shocks. 

A robust skyscraper will be able to withstand earthquakes and a financially robust person will be able to sustain his lifestyle, regardless of the disasters thrown at him.

Of course, you can imagine disasters that will financially cripple even the wealthiest person, but that’s not the point.

The point is to increase your robustness to the point at which only the most unlikely combinations of unlucky events would bring you down, but nothing else would. 

Think of different “shocks”, such as being fired, high medical costs for you or your family, a car accident, a fire that consumes your house or a natural disaster. 

How well would you be able to withstand those financial shocks?

Contrary to your intuition, robustness has less to do with strength, and more with flexibility. A rich person with an expensive lifestyle is more vulnerable to becoming poor, than a middle-income person with great flexibility. 

As the great Kung Fu and Jeet Kune Do master Bruce Lee noticed: “You must be shapeless, formless, like water. 

When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. 

This analogy helps drive the point that robustness means flexibility: the ability to quickly adjust to the changing (financial) environment around you.

So, how do you become financially robust? 

Here are my favourite methods:

Double income. Whether it is a single person having 2 jobs, or a family in which both husband and wife have their own jobs, it is much less likely that you will lose both jobs at the same time. It’s even better if the jobs are in different companies and different industries.

Similarly, if you can create (multiple) passive income streams, such as ad revenues from your blog, dividend from stocks, interest from bonds, rent from a property you own, you once again become less susceptible to the whims of your boss and the performance of your company.

Speaking of investments: you are much more robust if your portfolio is diversified in terms of asset classes (stocks, bonds, deposits), currencies, industries and geographies.

Upskill yourself. If you can work in different fields, for example, sales and graphic design, or translation and transportation, you have diversified your income-earning options and reduced the risk of being unemployed.

Build a network while you don’t need it, to have one in place when you need it. This network could help you find alternative employment opportunities, introduce you to more clients, or anything else you may need, such as money, housing or training.

Keep your monthly expenses low compared to your income. This will allow you to sustain your lifestyle, even if your income takes a significant hit. Stop upgrading your spending every time you get a promotion and this will happen automatically!

Low fixed costs. Even if you have high monthly expenses, make sure only a small portion are so-called fixed costs. 

These costs make you inflexible because you cannot easily reduce them quickly. Examples are rent/mortgage, utilities, debt payments and basic transport & groceries.

On the flip side, if a majority of your monthly expenses can be easily and quickly reduced without a major impact on your lifestyle, this will help a lot if you ever need to survive on a reduced income. 

Think food stalls instead of Starbucks and KFC, LRT/MRT instead of Grab, house parties instead of bars, hiking instead of movies, and domestic day trips instead of trips abroad.

For future purchases, be biased towards items that have a shorter commitment period. For example, shy away from 24-month gym memberships, contracted phone plans, or even five-year installment plans when you buy furniture, household appliances or consumer electronics. They all make your expense side less flexible.

Have an emergency fund or a financial buffer. This allows you to keep calm should something happen, and gives you the time to carefully consider your options and choose the best course of action. 

For example, you won’t have to accept the first job you find in case of a job loss, but you can wait to find a more suitable and better-paying one.

Have insurance, selectively. Be careful, avoid being over insured or double insured and you should not take insurance if you can take the financial hit yourself (because it will be cheaper in the long run), some basic forms of insurance, however, could help you become more robust against financial disasters, such as a fire in your home or an illness.

It goes without saying that (high) debt does not go well with the concept of robustness. Consider restructuring your personal loans and look for special offers from various banks. 

There might be a possibility to lower your debt payments by consolidating your credit card debt and loans, to ensure you have more money available and lower fixed costs.

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