Minum Air Sesudah Bangun Tidur Bantu Menurunkan Berat Badan

30 Nov 2016

Air sangat penting untuk kesehatan tubuh karena sekitar 70 % berat badan kita adalah air. Air sangat penting dalam hal menyembuhkan masalah kesehatan. Meminum air putih yang baik dan menyehatkan adalah 8 gelas setiap harinya. Namun kuantitinya berbeda mengikut berat badan seseorang.

Air juga penting dalam membina sel dan cairan tubuh. Komponen utama sel adalah air, sebesar 70-85%. Sedangkan  dalam sel lemak, kurang dari 10%. Maka dengan memulai hari Anda dengan minum segelas air putih bisa melancarkan metabolism tubuh dan membakart kalori.

Hal ini dikarenakan, air hangat mampu meningkatkan suhu tubuh sehingga tubuh Anda akan membakar lebih kalori. Malahan apabila Anda minum air putih, selera makan Anda juga akan turut berkurang dan hal ini boleh membantu Anda untuk menurunkan berat badan dan mengawal pengambilan makanan.

Bukan itu sahaja, minum air secara kerap juga boleh menghindar dari terjadinya dehidrasi. Tahukah Anda saat Anda tidur selama 7-8 jam Anda tidak akan makan dan minum. Jadi secara otomatis tubuh badan akan menjadi dehidrasi karena semuanya digunakan untuk tubuh mengisi ulang cairan. Sudah memadai dengan meminum air putih 1-2 gelas sesudah Anda bangun tidur.

Air juga pelindung terbaik tubuh badan yang baik, air membantu membuang racun-racun di dalam tubuh melalui urin dan keringat. Bukan sahaja boleh merangsang pergerakan usus malah melancarkan pencernaan.

Tetapi untuk menurunkan berat badan secara efektif perlu ada kombinasi yang tepat. Tidak hanya minum air sama sekali boleh menurunkan berat badan. Namun pegambilan makanan yang betul dan sehat juga boleh bantu mengurangkan berat badan.

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7 Steps to a Financially-Stable Life

24 Nov 2016

I JUST attended a leadership training event in Seremban: The Global Leadership Summit Malaysia. The two-day conference blended live interaction among participants, compelling creative arts presentations, and curated video sessions of world-class leaders who either spoke or were interviewed at the Global Leadership Summit in Chicago, Illinois in August. In one of those eye-opening sessions, Melinda Gates spoke about the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is giving away the bulk of the combined fortunes of her husband, the world’s richest man, and that of Warren Buffett!

The foundation’s work is driven by one idea — all lives have equal value.

 Today, there are seven million children who might otherwise have died if not for the life-enhancing work of that foundation. You’ll be astonished at what you learn at www.gatesfoundation.org, so please carve out six minutes from your schedule today to visit that site with pen in hand to write notes on which health-improving, poverty-eradicating initiatives inspire YOU.

Thankfully, we don’t need billions or even millions of ringgit to help someone. When I consult with my financial planning and life planning clients who confide about their deep-seated philanthropic leanings, we chart plans that allow them to give sensible sums intentionally, regularly and strategically to improve the lot of many others across our tiny, interdependent planet!

In most people — but sadly not in all — there is a soft centre that resonates with the plight of the needy and that yearns to help them regardless of race, region or religion; colour, caste or creed.

Tragically, there are many more people who would love to give to charities out of love and a mind of concern, but can’t do so yet because they don’t even have enough for their own families.

The escalating cost of living in Malaysia is frustrating and even angering many breadwinners. These people need solutions to their money woes so they can migrate from a scarcity mentality (and reality!) to one of super-abundance.

Let’s face it, we can’t help the poor effectively if we don’t generate surpluses consistently.

In George S. Clason’s book The Richest Man in Babylon, there is a chapter entitled Seven Cures for a Lean Purse. Every personal library should have not one, but two copies of Clason’s classic, written in elegant old English: One copy to be read and reread by family and the other lent to friends.

These are Clason’s Seven Cures:

START thy purse to fattening;
CONTROL thy expenditures;
MAKE thy gold multiply;
GUARD thy treasures from loss;
MAKE of thy dwelling a profitable investment;
INSURE a future income; and,
INCREASE thy ability to earn.

If you’re inclined to purchase your own copy, but suspect it might take you time to track one down, here are my thoughts on Clason’s “cures”...

We fatten our wallets and bank accounts by establishing and heeding a budget that allows us to spend less than we earn — Cures 1 and 2.

We grow our wealth prudently and effectively by saving and investing based on professional advice and by avoiding (like the plague!) get-rich-quick schemes that promise astronomical returns. You see, the only ones who consistently grow rich from such scams are the scoundrels who initiate them — Cures 3 and 4.

We should aim to buy our own homes and to eventually pay off our mortgages. We should also transfer most of the inherent economic risks of living to reputable insurers through cost-effective life and general insurance policies — Cures 5 and 6.

Lastly, we must recognise that our minds and our bodies are our most valuable assets. Therefore, it is smart for us to care for both by investing in career-enhancing and body-strengthening initiatives — Cure 7. If we do all this well, we will boost our innate capacity to help ourselves, our loved ones, and deserving strangers in profound need.

Article Source : NST

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Dengar Muzik Bantu Rangsang Otak Sihat

18 Nov 2016

Individu yang tidak gemarkan muzik didapati boleh mengurangkan rangsangan fungsi otak mereka untuk berhubung.

Berdasarkan ujian imbasan otak FMRI yang dilakukan penyelidik, mereka mendapati otak individu yang langsung tidak boleh menerima muzik mempunyai tekanan darah yang lebih rendah.

Keadaan itu berlaku kerana hasil daripada aktiviti otak yang kurang di sebahagian kawasn tertentu sekali gus menyebabkan aliran darah menjadi lebih rendah.

Kajian tersebut yang dilaporkan oleh agensi berita Ars Technica, England mendapati, otak individu yang mendengar muzik didapati lebih aktif serta dapat memberikan respon lebih positif dalam berfikir.

Interaksi dan tindak balas otak individu yang mendengar muzik terutama bernada rendah juga lebih kreatif dan sihat.

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4 Manfaat Coklat Hitam

8 Nov 2016

Menurut penelitian medis terbaru, coklat hitam benar-benar dapat memberikan berbagai manfaat kesehatan kepada manusia. Coklat hitam, biasanya terbuat dari 60% dari biji tanaman kakao memiliki warna yang lebih tua atau gelap. Sering dijadikan kudapan, coklat hitam juga ternyata banyak manfaat.

Untuk jantung yang sehat

Coklat hitam mengandung Magnesium, vitamin E dan tembaga, yang memiliki manfaat  untuk mencegah penyakit jantung serta baik untuk kesehatan jantung. Seorang peneliti dengan John Hopkins pada University School of Medicine. Dalam penelitian, coklat hitam dapat mengurangi resiko serangan jantung hampir sekitar 50%. Mengkonsumsi coklat hitam setiap hari dengan porsi yang cukup dapat mengurangi kadar kolestrol hingga 10 persen.

Kaya Antioksidan

Coklat hitam merupakan antioksidan kuat. Kandungan antioksidan dapat menyaingi yang dimiliki teh hijau dan blueberry. Coklat hitam memiliki kandungan senyawa organik yang secara biologis berfungsi sebagai antioksidan alami seperti polifenol, flavanol, dan catechin. Laporan dari National Institute of Food & Nutrition Research di Italia menunjukkan bahwa antioksidan ini benar-benar mengurangi radikal bebas dan molekul berbahaya lainnya yang mungkin berpotensi membahayakan kesehatan.

Melindungi kulit

Flavonoids, bahan aktif di dalam coklat berupaya mengukuhkan pertahanan kulit menentang beberapa kerosakan kulit termasuk melindungi kulit dari paparan sinaran UV seperti sunburn. Flavonoids, bahan aktif Pengambilan jangka panjang coklat dapat memperbaiki kondisi kulit terutama bagi kaum wanita.

Menghilangkan Stress

Coklat hitam juga memiliki manfaat dalam meringankan depresi. Beberapa kandungan coklat seperti caffeine, theobromine, methyl-xanthine dan phenylethylalanine dipercaya dapat memperbaiki mood. Coklat hitam juga mengandungi serotonin kimia, yang bertindak sebagai antidepresi. 

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Financially Sound Upon Retirement

1 Nov 2016

Most Malaysians are not well-prepared for retirement, with 2.8 million people only, or 38 per cent of active Employees Provident Fund (EPF) members, having met the basic savings amount of RM196,800.

This was stated in the EPF Annual Report last year.

This year, the latest survey found that only 958,100 out of 13 million contributors, or 7.37 per cent, have more than RM150,000 by age 55. Shockingly, 90 per cent of rural households and 86 per cent of those in urban areas have zero savings.

Syariah financial planner Dr Niki Shuhada Shukor said this was a worrisome trend as retirees would be unable to sustain their lives after they stopped working.

Niki, a consultant with more than 20 years experience, said retirees had to accumulate a lot of savings to ensure a strong principal sum so they could reap good dividends and bonuses.

She said the savings and asset gathering phase fell within the accumulation period, which was prior to retirement.

 After that is the consumption period, which will deplete the savings.

“People need to estimate their monthly expenses based on the expected salary before retirement.

“They also have to prepare for major life events that need huge expenses, like the time when their children pursue tertiary studies or get married. “They have to start saving early in their work life so they will not have to pay so much a month.

“Only by doing this that they will have a lifetime stream of income to support their living based on the compounding interest.”

Niki said those new to financial planning could start off with buying insurance, takaful and unit trust, or join a private retirement scheme because the younger they were, the smaller the amount they would need to pay. She said to select a savings plan for retirement, the expected returns per annum needed to be bigger than the inflation rate.

“Some retirement and insurance products can offer rates that are higher than inflation, thus individuals can seek certified planners for advice, attend seminars or do their own reading to get more information.”

Niki said Malaysians should not depend on EPF alone, and must look for other products like private retirement schemes or invest in Amanah Saham Bumiputera. According to her, 50 per cent of a person’s monthly income should be allocated for expanding wealth (savings, asset accumulation) and protection (insurance).

“The retirees need to ensure that they have peace of mind after retirement. They have to cover all expenses that enable them to enjoy a lifestyle they have before. They also have to settle their outstanding loans. “Apart from planning for their medical needs, they need to provide for social engagements like going out with friends, eating out and leisure activities like travelling  and golfing.”

She said there was a growing trend among retirees to use their savings to travel the world too often, thus finishing their money very quickly without managing it well. Therefore, she said, even those who were old, and had decided to stop working and enjoy life, must be made aware of financial planning to optimise their nest eggs.

Wealth management consultant Rohani Mohd Shahir said the increasing life expectancy and high lifestyle preferences required individuals to have reliable strategies in managing finances.

Rohani said having dependencies, including children and parents, might result in a setback to one’s savings when family emergencies occur. However, for Muslims, it was an obligation for children to take care of their aged parents.

“In the event their children are unable to support them financially, they may have to find other sources of income like doing business, providing services or disposing their assets.” 

She suggested the concept  of  allocating 20 per cent of the monthly income to meet retirement goals. From the 20 per cent allocation, an individual should  allocate 10 per cent for protection, five per cent for savings and another five per cent for unit trust.

She said people could diversify their income by choosing different categories of  unit trusts and other investment instruments. Besides that, in order to ensure financial discipline, deductions should be made through auto debit so that the monthly allocations would not be missed.

“The less money one has in his account, the lesser the amount that he is going to spend on.”

She said lifestyle changes were required as one aged and children needed to be taught how to be prudent at a young age. For married couples, Rohani said they could set up a joint-account for emergencies.

“An individual needs to have at least six months’ salary for emergency money. For families who often eat out, try  to cut down to once or twice a month. Home-cooked food is easier on the pocket and the money saved can be used for other things.”

For medical needs, insurance could help retirees cover their treatments and avoid them from becoming a liability to their caretakers. The insurance protection will cover hospitalisation, critical illnesses, permanent disability, and death, among others.

She said EPF had established Retirement Advisory Services (RAS) Centres to help people plan for their retirement needs. RAS was meant to help EPF contributors achieve a sustainable retirement plan, including those who were going to retire or those who had just retired.

RAS also conducts awareness and education programmes on basic financial and retirement planning. The service is available at the centres in Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Johor Baru, Penang, Kota Kinabalu, Ipoh and Kuantan.

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