5 Signs You Might Be Depress

22 Jun 2018

Change in Appetite

Some common signs of depression include increase and decrease in appetite. You will be in state of unintentional weight loss or gain.  However, the most common symptom is like no appetite and losing weight.

Insomnia or Extreme Sleepiness

Usually people who having problem of sleeping or sleeping they might be depress. People who are depress normally have difficulty falling asleep and may wake frequently at night.

Change in Mood

Depression may be indicated when a person feels hopelessness, guilty thoughts, and feel extremely sad most of the time or at least 2 weeks period. People who in this condition prefer to hibernate themselves and pushing away the people who love and give them moral support. They seem like no interest in any activities their always do. 


Tired all the time or lack of energy nearly every day for period of at least 2 weeks. All unexplained fatigue and loss of energy can be a sign of depression.


Most of the time a depressed person often experiences a lot of anxiety. Usually they have trouble focusing clearly or overthinking about anything even other than the thing their worried about. Feel restless and can’t stop thinking and difficult to focus on something. This signs you might be depressed. 

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5 Manfaat Daun Sireh Untuk Kesehatan

8 Jun 2018

manfaat daun sirih

Melancarkan Haid
Hal ini biasanya terjadi kepada para wanita yang pasti sering mengalami masalah  ketika haid atu memiliki putaran waktu haid yang tidak teratur. Cara mudah yang boleh Anda lakukan adalah dengan rebus 3 – 5 lembar daun sirih hingga mendidih. Jika ingin mendapatkan manfaat daun secara total perlu mengamalkan minuman rebusan tersebut 2 kali sehari. 

Menyembuhkan Penyakit Asma

Bagi Anda yang menderita asma dan memiliki keturunan penyakit ini. Daun sirih ternyata boleh membantu mengobati mengurangi gejala penyakit asma dengan minum rebusan daun sirih dengan rutin setidaknya 2-3 gelas sehari. 

Mengobati Radang Tengorokkan

Radang tenggorokan walaupun bukan merupakan penyakit yang kronis, tetapi bisa menimbulkan rasa tidak nyaman terutama apbila ingin menelan. Anda hanya perlu minum air rebusan sirih sama seperti cara rebusan untuk penyakit asma dan air tersebut dapat melegakan tenggorokan Anda. Namun, minumlah hanya ketika merasakan sakit tenggorokan saja. 

Menghilangkan Bau Mulut

Daun sireh juga boleh membantu menghilangkan bau mulut yang terkadang bisa menganggu rutin harian. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi adalah dengan berkumur dengan air rebusan daun sirih. 

Mengobati Luka Bakar Ringan

Luka bakar ringan mungkin terjadi kepada siapa-siapa dan sering berlaku akibat aktivitas di dapur seperti memasak. Hal ini karena vitamin C, antioksidan dan alkali yang terkandung dalam daun sirih bisa meredakan peradangan dipermukaan kulit yang terbakar. Anda hanya perlu ambil 3-5 lembar daun sirih merah dan campurkan dengan 2 sendok teh madu. Oleskan pada luka  2 kali sehari dan lihat hasilnya.

Sumber Foto:

Ketika sedang melakukan aktivitas di dapur seperti memasak, terkena api dan terjadinya luka bakar ringan memang sangat mungkin terjadi. Kabar baiknya, manfaat daun sirih yang juga bisa anda dapatkan ialah bisa mengobati luka bakar ringan seperti ini. Caranya juga tidak sulit sama sekali, anda hanya perlu mengambil lima lembar daun sirih dan juga madu sebanyak dua sendok teh. Jika sudah, anda hanya perlu mengoleskannya pada luka sebanyak dua kali setiap harinya hingga sembuh

Source: https://jempolkaki.com/manfaat-daun-sirih/
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4 Easy Ways to Burn More Fat

1 Jun 2018

Drink More Water

Drinking water can boost body ability to burn fat and help to fill you up. Did you know by drinking at least 8 cups of water a day able to raise resting metabolism by about 50 calories daily.  The simplest changes you can do is drink water a half and hour before you eat most probably can help you eat less. Additionally, by drinking water may help to boost metabolism by 25-30%.

Eat Spicy Foods

Not everyone can eat or can handle the taste of spiciness in their food. However, there’s an effect by adding spices to your meal. This is one of the factor you might burn your fat fast! Capsaicin, a chemical found in chili peppers will able to boost your metabolism by increasing the number of calories and burn your fat.

Green Tea

Green tea or coffee? Which one do you prefer? Every person has their own taste but the bitterness in green tea and coffee may be the same if you don’t add sugar. Studies also have shown people who drink green tea burn up to an extra 70-100 calories daily due to the antioxidants called catechins in the tea. As green tea is low in calorie, so it may good for both weight loss and weight.

Sleep Well

Researchers have found not getting enough of sleep may seriously low metabolism. There is a link between sleep and metabolism. It may cause risk of obesity and increase blood sugar levels. So, get enough sleep is important to increase metabolism and burn some fat. 

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