5 Ways to Stay Healthy on Budget!

20 Oct 2017

Use Coupons

Sign up or download any rebates apps and discount coupons from different kind of supermarket. Those supermarkets will always have different promotion or weekly sale on certain items. So, try to combine them. Coupons is one of the best way to save money.

Stock Up on Sales

Frequently update any sales or promo from any supermarket. Sometimes, they can go on sale for cheaper price for certain items. If you have favourite items, you should pick it up when the item on sale. It’s better for you to consider planning your meals around what’s on sale. 

Prepare You Own Lunch

Stop buying outside food and try to prepare your own meal. Eating outside may cost you and you are not able to always pack leftovers with you. The easiest way is to pack your meal or drink is less expensive rather than you're eating outside.

Go for Store Brands

Normally people will pick product from well-known brands. Don't be afraid to try for off brand product like store brands product. Sometimes the price is more cheaper compare to well-known brand. It should help you to save quite a lot of money. 

Plan Your Meal

It sounds like easy but whether you like it or not you must have a plan by create a meal plan! List the things that you want to buy instead of purchase unnecessary things. Make sure you scan your fridge and cabinet to ensure what you already have. So that you don’t end up you just wasting and throwing away what you buy. 

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Doing Housework May Help You Live Longer, is This True?

13 Oct 2017

One in 12 global deaths over a five-year period can be prevented through 30 minutes of physical activity – which can include housework, house-cleaning or walking to work – five days a week, researchers say.

“Being highly active (750 minutes a week) is associated with an even greater reduction,” according to a study published in The Lancet medical journal.

The study, which tracked 130,000 people in 17 countries, “confirms on a global scale that physical activity is associated with a lower risk of mortality and cardiovascular disease,” the authors said in a press statement.

This way irrespective of which country the study participants came from, the type of activity, or whether it was undertaken for leisure or as part of daily transport or housework.

The World Health Organization recommends at least 150 minutes of “moderate-intensity”, or 75 minutes of “vigorous-intensity” aerobic physical activity per week.

Most of us aren’t active enough

According to the study authors, almost a quarter of the world’s population do not meet this requirement.

The new study showed that “walking for as little as 30 minutes most days of the week has a substantial benefit,” said the study’s lead author Scott Lear of the Simon Fraser University in Canada.

The study included participants aged 35 to 70 from urban and rural areas in rich and poor countries.

They were followed over nearly seven years.

The researchers noted how many suffered heart attacks, stroke or heart failure, among other diseases, and compared these figures to the individuals’ physical activity levels.

“Of the 106,970 people who met the activity guidelines, 3.8 per cent developed cardiovascular disease, compared to 5.1 per cent of people who did not,” said the authors.

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The Star 

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5 Cara Mudah Mendapatkan Tidur Nyenyak

6 Oct 2017

Setiap orang pasti memerlukan tidur yang cukup dan nyenyak untuk merehatkan minda dan tubuh selepas seharian bekerja dan melakukan aktivitas. Kebiasaannya, kekurangan tidur terkait dengan akibat banyak berpikir dan terlalu letih. Namun, apa yang Anda perlu tahu risiko akibat dari kekurangan tidur boleh meningkatkan risiko stroke, tekanan darah tinggi dan serangan jantung. 

Memperoleh tidur yang cukup sangat penting demi menjamin kesegaran tubuh badan. Rata-rata ramai yang mengalami masalah sukar untuk tidur dan perlu mengambil masa yang lama membolak-balikkan tubuh selama berjam-jam dan akhirnya tertidur dengan keadaan tidak nyaman  serta gelisah.

Menghindar Handphone

Mematikan semua lampu dan hindari bermain game, televisi, komputer dan handphone adalah cara terbaik untuk mengelak kesulitan untuk tidur. Sebaiknya setengah jam sebelum tidur hentikan penggunaan peralatan elektronik. Ini karena, cahaya yang dihasilkan dari gadget dan televisi dapat menurunkan hormone melatonin. Cahaya atau bunyi yang dihasilkan dapat menembus lensa mata dan telinga hingga merangsang otak untuk kembali aktif seperti sedang bekerja walaupun otak seharusnya istirihat.

Mandi Air Hangat

Mandi air hangat salah satu cara yang efektif yang bisa membantu proses tidur Anda menjadi lebih cepat. Air hangat mampu mengurangi stres dan mengimbangi suhu badan, seterusnya akan membuat anda lebih nyaman dan mudah untuk tidur. Hal ini karena, air panas bertindak menurunkan temperatur tubuh secara alaminya yang membantu otot-otot tubuh agar bangun pagi menjadi lebih segar.


Coba lakukan olahraga yang rutin sekurang-kurangnya sebanyak 2-3 kali seminggu, 15-20 menit di sore hari. Olahraga bisa mengurangi stress dan membuat tubuh menjadi lebih nyaman. Seterusnya, ia dapat membantu anda memperoleh tidur yang berkualitas dan tidur dengan mudah di malam hari.

Hindar Minum Kopi Beberapa Jam Sebelum Tidur

Tahukah Anda minum minuman yang mengandungi kafein seperti kopi, soda, teh dan alkohol bisa mengganggu proses tidur Anda. Ini karena kafein boleh bertahan dalam tubuh badan seseorang hingga lima jam selepas diminum. Seelok-eloknya, tidak minum apa saja bentuk air mengadungi kafein setidaknya delapan jam sebelum waktu tidur. 

Jangan Makan Makanan Berat Sebelum Tidur

Hindari makan secara berlebihan sebelum tidur agar perut tidak terlalu penuh ketika tidur. Hal ini karena perut yang sangat penuh dapat terganggunya proses tidur serta membuat anda kesulitan untuk tidur.

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